Casual Sex – To Lick & Suck Or Not To?

We all know that safe sex is essential outside of a tested and monogamous relationship. But, is strapping on a condom the same as putting your mouth and tongue and lips all over the private parts of a virtual stranger? I say “yes”. I mean, if you’re gonna go for the gold and get your freak on…you may as well go for the fully Monty and enjoy yourself.

Some people, I know believe that oral sex is sacred. Something to be shared and treasured with that special someone. I get that and I respect that. Somewhat.

I just think that if you embark upon a casual sex experience you may as well do it all. Rather than just some hot and heavy panting and kissing before shoving it into my slick folds, why not take time and savor each other’s bodies? Just because it’s casual doesn’t mean it can be special or amazing.

For a wham bam thank you ma’am I would much rather put my rechargeable batteries to good use. I paid good money for them!

I mean the truth is that if you’re having casual sex you’re probably going to stick your tongue in that person’s mouth and is that really so different from sticking your tongue in his or her asshole or dickhead or vajayjay? I don’t really think so.

In fact I think people who focus on small issues like this simply like to make themselves feel superior for having “some” morals. Or whatever.

We all know that sex in general but especially casual sex with random strangers (it’s just better when you don’t know them!) always presents with some risk. So unless your plan is to completely swear it off, why not just hop in the shower beforehand and swipe your mouth and tongue all over your partner’s luscious body?

blow job

But I also think that a little bit of casual oral gives you a unique chance to inspect the junk up close and personal. It lets you see the length and girth or the elasticity of the pussy lips. You can get a good whiff of this person’s scent—which can tell you a lot about their hygiene. And quite literally it lets you inspect the genitals for strange bumps or blisters so you know what you’re getting yourself into.

On a side note, this also gives you a good chance to call it off before you end up on antibiotics and out of commission for a few weeks.

I didn’t always used to feel this way. In fact back in my teen years I never understood—and even judged and looked down on—girls who would just give away blow jobs. I mean first of all, or so my thinking went, you don’t get anything out of it (boy was I wrong!) and second you’re slobbing all over his junk and he’s doing nothing for you. I was a kid, what can I say?

Although now I still don’t get why you’d give a BJ instead of getting’ it in, I do think it is perfectly acceptable and in fact required to engage in oral sex even if it is casual sex.

Maybe it’s because most of the sex in my life has been casual so my perspective is a little skewed. Of my dozens of partners only 2 have been part of an actual romantic relationship so yes if I didn’t just “let it all hang out” I might not be so good in bed J! But aside from that, what’s the point of halfway doing casual sex? 

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